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Complete Guide to Page Layout in Salesforce

Page Layouts are a crucial aspect of User Experience design in Salesforce. It allows you to organize the field as per your requirements or tailor it to fit the needs of different departments.

This includes rearranging fields, adding new sections, and controlling the visibility and editability of fields based on user permissions. Let’s understand what page layouts are in Salesforce and how you can create them.

What is Page Layout in Salesforce?

Page Layout in Salesforce allows us to customize the design, organize details, and edit pages of records in Salesforce. They can control the appearance of fields, related lists, and custom links on standard and custom objects’ detail and edit pages. They also hold which standard and custom buttons will be visible on detail pages and related lists.

Additionally, fields can be added or removed and set as required or read-only on page layouts. Page layouts can include s-controls and Visualforce pages rendered within a field section when the page displays. You can control the size of the s-controls and Visualforce pages and determine whether a label and scroll bars display.

In Salesforce, the one-page layout can be assigned to multiple profiles, as shown in the below image.

page layout in salesforce

You can customize a page’s contents, such as the fields and buttons that appear on the page, by using a tool called the page layout editor. The page layout editor, also known as page layouts, helps to manage the content of pages in both Classic UI and Lightning Experience. 

See the below image:

fields in salesforce

As seen in the above image, on the left-hand side, there is a list of page layout features. On the right-hand side, there are instances of these features that can be used in the page layout by simply dragging and dropping.

How to Create Page Layouts in Salesforce?

There are two main ways to create page layouts in Salesforce. The first uses the Enhanced Page Layout Editor, and the other uses the Salesforce Classic Page Layout Editor. Let’s take a look at both of these methods.

1. Using the Enhanced Page Layout Editor

This method is recommended for most users, as it’s more intuitive and offers more features. 

Step 1 Navigate to Setup > Object Manager.

Step 2. Select the object you want to create a page layout for.

Step 3 Click on the “Page Layouts” tab.

Step 4 Click on the “New” button.

Step 5 Choose a layout type.

  1. Standard Object Layout: Suitable for most basic needs.
  2. Record Type Layout: Useful when you have different layouts for different record types.
  3. Mobile and Lightning Experience Layout: Creates a layout optimized for both mobile and Lightning Experience.

Step 6 Drag and drop fields onto the layout sections.

  1. Left Section: Primary fields for editing and viewing.
  2. Right Section: Secondary fields, related lists, and custom buttons.
  3. Footer: Buttons for saving, deleting, etc.

Step 7 Configure field properties: Visibility, read-only, required, etc.

Step 8 Save and assign the layout to profiles or record types.

2. Using Salesforce Classic Page Layout Editor

This method is less user-friendly and available only for some objects. Here’s the basic process:

Step 1 – Navigate to Setup > Customize> Objects > [Object Name].

Step 2 – Click on the “Page Layouts” tab.

Step 3 – Click on “New.”

Step 4 – Choose a layout type.

Step 5 – Select which fields to include and their properties.

Step 6 – Save and assign the layout.

Features of Page Layout in Salesforce 

The following features of the page layout help to manage various things on different pages of objects:


We can manage the arrangement of the fields using page layout. We can hide/remove a field from the edit or detail pages. We can also make a field required, read-only, or hidden for a particular page layout, ensuring data integrity and convenience.


We can also add custom or standard buttons on the detail page of records. Standard buttons are for pre-built actions like saving, deleting, editing, etc. On the other hand, customized buttons can trigger custom workflows, Visualforce pages, etc, for extended functionality.

Custom Links

We can add a common custom link to every record’s detail page. This feature is only enabled once we have created a custom link for that object via the Button, Link & Actions feature from the Object manager.

Quick Actions

This feature adds or removes quick actions for the Salesforce Classic UI. For example, if we want to add any immediate action like New Account, we can add it from the page layout. We can also configure quick action labels, icons, and target locations for a user-friendly experience.

Mobile & Lightning Actions

This feature is used to add or remove the quick action for the Mobile & Lightning Experience UI. Make actions available based on specific record types or user roles, ensuring relevance and efficiency.

Expanded Lookup

It determines the fields that will be shown on mobile cards. Expanded lookups and mobile-enabled Visualforce pages placed here display as mobile cards on a record’s home page in the mobile app. Visualforce pages in this area must be enabled for Salesforce mobile apps, or they won’t display.

Related List

Using page layout, we can determine which lists will be displayed in the Related List section of an object. Additionally, using the wrench icon, we can also decide which fields of the related list will appear on that page. 

Report Charts

This feature adds a report chart (graphical view/representation) on the record page according to the record ID, providing visual insights into key metrics and trends. Make use of dynamic filters to display chart data specific to the current record, offering personalized insights.

We can also configure chart type, size, and format for optimal readability and visual impact.

Advantages of Customizing Page Layouts

  • Enhanced User Experience: Tailoring page layouts based on user roles or departments ensures that users only see what’s relevant to their responsibilities, making navigation more intuitive.
  • Increased Productivity: By strategically placing fields and related lists, users can swiftly access critical information without unnecessary clicks or searches.
  • Adaptability: Page layouts can be easily modified and adapted as business needs evolve, ensuring Salesforce remains aligned with organizational processes.

Note: Page Layouts should be assigned to the profiles using the Page Layout Assignment button in the object manager. Only then would your changes be visible to profiles.

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