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What Is DML In Salesforce?

What You’ll Learn

  • What Is DML In Salesforce?
  • What DML is used for?
  • Syntax of using DML

DML stands for Data Manipulation Language through which we can make database changes.

What DML is used for?

it enables you to:

    • Insert new records in Salesforce

    • Update existing records

    • Upsert records

    • Delete records from the database

    • Undelete or restore records from the recycle bin

Syntax of using DML:

insert sObject or list of sObjects

update sObject or list of sObjects

delete sObject or list of sObjects

upsert sObject or list of sObjects

undelete sObject or list of sObjects


In the above statements, if even a single record errors out in the entire list of records then the entire operation is rollbacked.

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