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Insert | APEX DML Standalone Statements

What You’ll Learn

  • Apex Insert

To create a new record, you need to use the Insert statement.

public static void main() {
    Account a = new Account(name = ’Shubham’, numberOfEmployees = 150);
    insert a;

Example 2:

List < Contact > newConList = new List < Contact > ();
List < Contact > conList = [SELECT firstname, lastname FROM Contact];
for (Contact cc: conList) {
    Contact c1 = new Contact(lastname = cc.lastname, firstname = cc.firstname);
    insert c1; // too many DML statements, hence Limit Reached
for (Contact cc: conList) {
    Contact c1 = new Contact(lastname = cc.lastname, firstname = cc.firstname);
insert newConList; // only 1 DML Statement
Account a = [SELECT Name FROM Account WHERE Name like‘ sh % ’LIMIT 1];
Contact c = new Contact(lastName = ’Again’, AccountId = a.id);
insert c;

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