Maps in APEX

What is Maps in Apex?

Maps in Apex are collections of key-value pairs. Keys can be any primitive datatype, while values can include primitives, Apex objects, sObjects, and other collections. They are used when we want to find something quickly with the help of a key. Each key must be unique, but you can have duplicate values in your map. The Salesforce ID should be the key to creating a map of all the account records in your organization. The Salesforce ID is the unique identifier for all the values in the account record.



Syntax Of Maps In Apex:

Map<Datatype_Key, Datatype_value> m = new Map<Datatype_Key, Datatype_value>();

Example Of Maps In Apex:

// Nested mapMap<ID, Set<String>> m = new Map<ID, Set<String>>();

Use Cases of Maps in Salesforce Apex

The Map class in Salesforce Apex is a versatile and powerful tool that allows developers to efficiently manage collections of key-value pairs. Here are some common use cases for the Map class in Salesforce:

1. Bulk Data Processing

When processing large volumes of data, Map allows efficient lookups and data manipulation.


  • Updating multiple records based on specific criteria.
  • Associating records from different objects.

2. Avoiding Duplicate Records

When working with a list of records, you can use a Map to avoid inserting duplicates based on a unique field.

Example: Preventing duplicate contact insertion based on email.

3. Efficient Data Retrieval

    Map allows quick retrieval of data without looping through a list.

    Example: Accessing related records efficiently.

    4. Handling Parent-Child Relationships

      Maps are useful in handling parent-child relationships, where you need to group child records by parent ID.

      Example: Grouping contacts by their AccountId.

      5. Storing Configuration Data

        Map can be used to store configuration data that can be used throughout the code.

        Example: Storing custom settings or configuration records.

        6. Optimizing SOQL Queries

          By using Map with SOQL queries, you can reduce the number of queries and make your code more efficient.

          Example: Query-related records can be stored in one go on a map for easy access.

          7. Custom Caching Mechanism

            Using Map for caching frequently accessed data to minimize repeated database queries.

            Example: Caching user information.


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