SOQL ’for’ Loops

What Is SOQL ’for’ Loops?

SOQL ‘for’ Loops are SOQL statements that can be used inline along with FOR Loops. This means that instead of iterating over a list of records, it is done directly over a SOQL query written inline inside the ‘for’ Loop iteration brackets.

How To Iterate A Loop On SOQL In Apex?

FOR(Position__c pos: [SELECT Name, Max_Salary__c
            FROM Position__c
            WHERE Status__c = 'Open'
        ]) { //code block }

Formats Of SOQL Query

There are two formats for this type of SOQL query:

1. Single Variable Format

Single Variable Format executes the loop once per list of sObject records. The syntax of this format is given here:

 List < Position__c > positionRecordsList = [SELECT Name, Max_Salary__c
                FROM Position__c
                WHERE Status__c = 'Open'
            for (Position__c pos: positionRecordsList) {
                // code block

2. List Variable Format

List Variable Format executes the loop code once per 200 sObject records.


for(Position__c pos: [SELECT Name, Max_Salary__c
                FROM Position__c
                WHERE Status__c = 'Open'
            ]) {
                //code block


for(List < Position__c > positionList: [SELECT Name, Max_Salary__c
                FROM Position__c
            ]) {
                for (Position pos: positionList) {
                    //code block
Position StatusNumber of Records
On Hold7
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