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SOQL Aggregate Functions
What You’ll Learn
- SOQL Aggregate Functions
- SOQL Basics (Salesforce Object Query Language)
- How to Write SOQL in APEX
- SOQL Variable Binding in APEX
- SOQL Keywords
- Date Literals in SOQL
- SOQL Aggregate Functions
- Child to Parent Relationship
- Parent to Child – Relationship Queries in SOQL
- SOQL Multi level Relationships
- SOQL Return Type
- Salesforce Dynamic SOQL
- SOQL ’for’ Loops
SOQL Aggregate Functions
“SOQL Aggregate Functions” shows a calculated result from the query and returns AggregateResult.
Any query that includes an aggregate function returns its results in an array of AggregateResult objects. AggregateResult is a read-only sObject and is only used for query results.
1. Sum():
AggregateResult ar = [SELECT SUM(Max_Salary__c)
FROM Position__c WHERE Max_Salary__c > 10000
2. Max():
Max(): AggregateResult ar = [SELECT MAX(Max_Salary__c)
FROM Position__c
WHERE Max_Salary__c > 10000
3. Min():
Min(): AggregateResult ar = [SELECT MIN(Max_Salary__c)
FROM Position__c
WHERE Max_Salary__c
4. Count() and Count(fieldName):
Integer i = [SELECT count(ID) FROM Account];
5. Avg():
Avg(): AggregateResult ar = [SELECT AVG(Min_Salary__c)
FROM Position__c
WHERE Max_Salary__c < 5000
6. Count_Distinct():
Count_Distinct(): AggregateResult ar = [SELECT COUNT_DISTINCT(Name)
FROM Position__c
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