Chapter Topics
- APIs in Salesforce
- Need of API in Salesforce
- Languages Used in creating APIs
- How Communication Happens in APIs
- Types of APIs in Salesforce
- REST API Part 1
- REST API Part 2
- REST API Part 3
- REST API Part 4
- REST API Part 5
- REST API Part 6
- REST API Part 7
- REST API Part 8
- REST API Part 9
- SOAP API Part 1
- SOAP API Part 2
- SOAP API Part 3
- SOAP API Part 4
- SOAP API Part 5
- Metadata API in Salesforce
Example Of Creating Salesforce Get API
For creating GET API in Salesforce, It is needed to use @HTTPGet above the method definition. It is noted that GET API does not consist of a body, for sending any information data needs to be sent in Params.
Example Code:
public static void myMethod() {
HTTPRequest req = RestContext.request;
Similarly for other methods, we have @HTTPPut, @HTTPPatch, etc.
How To Use JSON Class Methods?
JSON Class is mostly used in the case of converting JSON-type data into Apex-type data. It consists of various methods which are used to convert jsonString to Apex and Apex to jsonString.
// deserialize(jsonString, apexType)
Decimal n = (Decimal)JSON.deserialize(
'100.1', Decimal.class);
public class Car {
public String make;
public String year;
// deserializeStrict(jsonString, apexType)/*
Car c = (Car)JSON.deserializeStrict(
// deserializeUntyped(jsonString)
String jsonInput = '{\n' +
' "description" :"An appliance",\n' +
' "accessories" : [ "powerCord", ' +
'{ "right":"door handle1", ' +
'"left":"door handle2" } ],\n' +
' "dimensions" : ' +
'{ "height" : 5.5 , ' +
'"width" : 3.0 , ' +
'"depth" : 2.2 },\n' +
' "type" : null,\n' +
' "inventory" : 2000,\n' +
' "price" : 1023.45,\n' +
' "isShipped" : true,\n' +
' "modelNumber" : "123"\n' +
Map<String, Object> m =
(Map<String, Object>)
// serialize(objectToSerialize)
Datetime dt = Datetime.newInstance(
2011, 3, 22),
1, 15, 18, 0));
String str = JSON.serialize(dt);
How To Send The Response In API?
The content we receive after calling an API is termed a response.
Here below is the example code to send an API response.
HTTPResponse res = RestContext.response;
res.addHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
res.responseBody = Blob.valueOf('Incorrect Information');
res.statusCode = 400;

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