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Packages Part 1

What are Packages?

Packages are collections of components, apps, etc, which can be distributed to Salesforce org.

Types Of Packages

There are two types of packages:

  1. Managed Package: It is created for selling packages on the App Exchange platform.
  2. Unmanaged Package: It is created for distributing open source projects to any Salesforce org.

How to create Packages in Salesforce?

  1. Go to setup, search Packages in quick find box.
  2. Then click on New button.
  3. Give your package a name, and a description.
  4. Populate the Package with Components, for which click on Add button.
  5. Finalize the Package Details by specifying following information.
    • Version name and number
    • Links (if any) to release notes and post install instructions
    • Password (optional)
    • Package requirements outlining components that the receiving environment MUST have configured in order for your package to be installed
    • Object requirements notifications on changes to either record types, sharing, field history tracking or feed tracking
  6. Upload the Package to the AppExchange by clicking on the upload button.

How to install Packages in Salesforce?

To install Packages in Salesforce following steps are needed:

  1. You need to have the URL for installing packages.
  2. Use that URL to log in to your org(in which you want to install the package).
  3. Approve Package API Access – set the requirements and permissions to align with the package requirements.
  4. Then select answer to further questions and click on the install button.
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