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Database Class Method Result Object

What You’ll Learn

  • What is a Database class?
  • What Is Database Class Method Result Object?
  • Database Class Method Example

What is a Database class?

A database class is a class that consists of methods that can help us to make changes in the database or to fetch data from the database.

What Is Database Class Method Result Object?

Database class methods returns the result of data operations. These result object contain useful information about data for each record such as whether the operation is successful or not and any other information.

Each type of operations returns a specific result object type, following are:

Operation Result Class
Insert, update Save Result Class
upsert Upsert Result Class
merge Merge Result Class
delete Delete Result Class
undelete Undelete Result Class
convertLead Lead Convert Result Class
emptyRecycleBin Empty Recycle Bin Class Result

Database Class Method Example

public static void main() {
    List < Account > accList = new List < Account > ();
    for (integer i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        accList.add(new Account(name = ’Result Test’ + i, numberOfEmployees = i));
        accList.add(new Account());
        insert accList;
    System.debug(‘Total Accounts: ’+accList.size());
    Database.SaveResult[] saveList = Database.insert(accList, false);
    for (Database.SaveResult s: saveList) {
        System.debug(‘I was successful = ’+s.getID());
        else {
            System.debug(‘I was Unsuccessful = ’+s.getID + ’because of following errors’);
            for (Database.error dr: s.getErrors()) {
                System.debug(dr.getStatusCode() + ’’ +dr.getMessage());
                System.debug(‘fields affected by insertion are: ’+dr.getFields);

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Rakshabandhan Sale