Lead Conversion | Method in Apex Database Class
Chapter Topics
- What Is DML In Salesforce?
- Insert | APEX DML Standalone Statements
- Update | APEX DML Standalone Statements
- Upsert | APEX DML Standalone Statements
- Delete | Apex DML Standalone Statement
- Undelete | Apex DML Standalone Statement
- Merge | APEX DML Standalone Statements
- APEX DML Statements Best Practices
- Database Class in APEX
- Empty Recycle Bin
- Count Query | Method in Apex Database Class
- Lead Conversion | Method in Apex Database Class
- Transaction Control and Rollback
- Database Class Method Result Object
What Is Lead Conversion In Salesforce?
Lead conversion in Salesforce is a process in which a lead record is converted into Accounts, Contacts & Opportunities. This happens when a lead is identified as a qualified Sales prospect.
Lead Conversion Using Apex Coding
There exists a Database class method “convertLead” which is used to convert the lead but other than this method there are various variables and classes used to convert a lead in Apex which is shown below through a Sample code example.
Lead Conversion:public static void main() {
Lead l = [SELECT Name FROM Lead WHERE Name like’ sh % ’LIMIT 1];
Lead l1 = new Lead(LastName = ‘’, CompanyName = ’’);
insert l1;
Database.LeadConvert lc = new Database.LeadConvert();
System.debug(‘ID of record inserted is: ’+l.id);
lc.convertedStatu s = ’Closed Converted’;
lc.ownerId = [SELECT Id FROM User LIMIT 1].Id; // any user id
Database.LeadConvertResult lcr = Database.convertLead(lc);
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