Merge | APEX DML Standalone Statements
Chapter Topics
- What Is DML In Salesforce?
- Insert | APEX DML Standalone Statements
- Update | APEX DML Standalone Statements
- Upsert | APEX DML Standalone Statements
- Delete | Apex DML Standalone Statement
- Undelete | Apex DML Standalone Statement
- Merge | APEX DML Standalone Statements
- APEX DML Statements Best Practices
- Database Class in APEX
- Empty Recycle Bin
- Count Query | Method in Apex Database Class
- Lead Conversion | Method in Apex Database Class
- Transaction Control and Rollback
- Database Class Method Result Object
Merge In Salesforce
To merge two or three records together, you need to use the merge statement.
List < Account > accList = [SELECT Name FROM Account LIMIT 3];
Account a = accList[0];
Account b = accList[1];
Account c = accList[2];
List < Account > mergeList = new List < Account > ();
merge a b; // for 2 records
merge a mergeList; // for 3 records
- Merge only works with Accounts, Leads and Contacts.
- You can merge 3 records at a time not more than that.
Different Merging Combinations:
- sObject with sObject
- sObject with List<sObject>
- sObject with ID
- sObject with List<ID>

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