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Growth in Salesforce is accompanied by great career opportunities for candidates looking for a job. Yet only those prepared can reach their dream positions due to tougher competition. Are you preparing for Salesforce Interview process? Here are some questions that will help you nail it right away!
Below list includes both basic (fresher) and advanced (experienced) level questions that you might be asked during the interview. We have categorized the Salesforce Interview Questions 2024 into six levels:
- Salesforce Freshers
- Salesforce Intermediate
- Salesforce Apex
- Salesforce Advanced
- Salesforce Admin
- Salesforce Developers
Salesforce Basic Interview Questions (For Beginners)
Below are some basic questions that might be asked of you in a Salesforce interview:
1. What is Cloud Computing?
Cloud computing is a bundle of computational services such as servers, storage, databases, networking, software, intelligence, analytics, and cloud. It provides organizations with faster innovation, economies of scale, and flexible resource allocation. It helps in the reduction of organization costs associated with storage tasks. The major benefits of cloud computing are as follows:
- It makes it possible to save the files in the remote database instead of local storage
- It provides access to data and software programs for devices with web access
- These services can be provided in a public, private, and hybrid format
2. What is SaaS?
SaaS is defined as Software-as-a-Service. It is offered through subscription such that clients can discontinue program usage without any penalty except being unable to use Salesforce. Users can save heavy initial fees and investments by using SaaS-based products or applications.
3. What is Salesforce?
Salesforce is a CRM platform on the cloud that assists businesses in managing customer data, marketing campaigns, and sales operations. It works on multi-tenant architectures that have benefits such as configuration, API integration, scalability, free capacity, low-cost ownership, platform support, and more. Salesforce is one of the best Customer Relationship Management service providers that provides an Artificial Intelligence platform for marketing automation, financing, Human Resource Management, etc.
4. What does Salesforce do?
Salesforce provides CRM software and cloud solutions for businesses of all sizes. It helps organizations to manage their customer data and operations more effectively. Some important features of the platform include:
- Contact management
- Opportunity management
- Lead management
- Sales forecasting
- Territory management
- Business Analytics
5. What is meant by an Object in Salesforce?
An object in Salesforce is used for storing information for an organization in the form of database tables. In Salesforce there are two categories of objects as explained below:
- Custom object: These are the objects created by the user. Objects create store unique and important information like buyers or sellers in an organization. Some examples of custom objects are student info, college info, etc.
- Standard object: These are the objects that are simply provided by Salesforce. Some examples of these objects are accounts, contacts, leads, cases, opportunities, campaigns, contracts, dashboards, products, etc.
6. What kind of applications can we create in Salesforce?
There are two types of applications that we can create in Salesforce:
- Console or Standard: This is the application that can only be used in client service business as the main focus is on resolving the client’s issues. It is not widely used in the market.
- Custom: These are the applications that can be used in every business scenario thus being used widely in the market.
7. What is a profile in Salesforce? Can different users have the same profile?
The profile is a collection of rules and procedures that a user needs to follow for having access to certain records. In Salesforce, there are multiple profiles such as sales profiles that have access to contacts, leads, campaigns, opportunities, etc. Different users can have access to the same profile. Users belonging to a single department will be assigned the same profile. For example, people assigned to the sales department will have a sales profile.
8. What is the Master-Detail relationship in Salesforce?
Master-Detail relationship in Salesforce can be defined as a parent-child relationship. As such master is treated as the parent and the detail is taken as a child. Any changes done in the master (parent) can lead to shifts in the detail (child) as well. You can create Roll-up summary for finding aggregate as well.
9. What is a Roll-up Summary field?
A roll-up summary field aggregates data from a child object to a parent object, sharing Master-Detail relationships. You can create a roll-up summary field to display a value in a master record based on the values of fields in a detailed record. A master-detail relationship must be there between detail and master record.
10. What are the major benefits of using Salesforce?
Some of the most promising benefits of using Salesforce are as follows:
- Faster communication
- Enhanced engagement for current customers
- Easier data synchronization
- Automation of rules-based tasks
- Better data analytics
- Reduction in cost and time cycle
- Higher team efficiency in business
11. What are the types of reports that we have in Salesforce?
Salesforce avails four types of reports as shown in the following:
- Tabular: In these reports, the total is shown in tabular format
- Summary: Detailed reports based on columns
- Matrix: Grouping is done based on the columns and rows
- Joined: Two or more reports in a single one
12. What is an audit trail?
An audit trail is a unique feature that helps in keeping track of changes that have been done in the organization by administrators. It is usually deployed in organizations with more administrators. This trail shows information about the twenty most recently done changes in the organization. The information shown in this are:
- Date and Time
- Username of the change initiator
- Change details
13. What is the difference between SOQL and SOSL?
SOQL (Salesforce Object Query Language) is the language that is used to query the data from any Salesforce Organization. Software engineers or those analysts who have good knowledge as well as a background in SQL may find SOQL to be quite syntactically familiar, but there are few key differences involved in the same.
While Salesforce Object Search Language (SOSL) is a Salesforce search language that has been used to perform text searches in records. One can make use of SOSL to search fields across multiple standard and custom object records in Salesforce.
SOQL and SOSL use different keywords for retrieving records from the database. SOQL uses SELECT while SOSL uses FIND keywords.
SOQL enables users to know the field/object location of the data but SOSL does not provide such location information.
In SOQL the interrelated data from single or multiple objects can be retrieved. SOQL queries can only be expected on one table while SOSL allows us to query on multiple tables.
SOQL allows users to find only a single object at a time while SOSL allows for finding several objects at one time.
14. What are the three types of object relations in Salesforce?
The object relation is a two-way link or association between multiple objects. The relationships are built by custom relationships field generation on an object. It enables viewers to not only view the records but also see/access the related data as well.
Master-Detail relationship (1:n):
It is a parent-child relationship where the behavior of dependent details/sub-detail objects are controlled by the master object. This 1:n relationship implies that there is one parent but several children. While being a controlling object, the master field cannot remain empty. Thus it has a cascade delete effect which means that if the master object’s field/record is deleted the fields or records corresponding to it will also get deleted.
The child object fields generally inherit sharing, owner, and security settings from the parent object. It is possible to create master-detail relationships between different custom objects or a standard object and custom object until only the standard object remains as the master.
For instance, one can define a two-object master-detail relationship which expands the relationship while taking it to sub-detail records like Account-Expense report-Expense line item. It allows the user to execute operation access master-detail-sub-detail relationship.
Lookup relationship (1:n):
These relations facilitate link creation between 2 different objects without depending on the parent object. It is also a relationship with single parents and multiple children. (1.n relationship) However master or deletion don’t delete the lookup field of child objects automatically. Hence no cascade delete effect is there.
The child field does not inherit the security, sharing, or owner setting of its parent. The lookup relationship allows you to link an object with itself (except user object) or two different objects.
Junction relationship (Many-To-Many):
Junction relationships allow creating 2 master-detail relationships. To create two master-detail relationships we need to link three custom objects. In that case, the two objects are represented as link master objects while the third object is dependent on both. So both masters will have a child object.
In this relationship, every record of an object can link with several records of the other objects and vice versa. For instance, a custom object BUG can be created that is related to a standard object in a specific way which allows it to be related to different causes and also a single case which is related to multiple bugs.
Hierarchical relationship:
The Hierarchical relationship is a type of lookup relationship available to only the user object. It enables a user to associate a single user with another user (not referring to itself in a direct/indirect way) through a lookup field.
External lookup relationship:
In an external lookup relationship, the child’s custom, standards, and external object can be linked to a master existential object. The standard external ID field values on the parent existential object get matched against the external lookup relationship field values of the child object.
In an indirect relationship, a child’s external object is linked to a master custom or standard object. When using it in an external object the users need to mention the object field of both parent and corresponding child to match associated with the records. For that, the users select the custom unique external ID field of a parent object and match it against the indirect lookup field of a child object.
Read More:
Salesforce Interview Questions on Reports and Dashboards (2024)
Salesforce Intermediate Interview Questions
Below are some intermediate questions that might be asked of you in a Salesforce interview:
1. What are the main differences between Sales and Service Cloud?
Both sales and service cloud are core CRM platforms provided by Salesforce and used by many organizations. The main differences between sales and service cloud are as follows:
- Sales Cloud: The main role of this product is to support businesses within the task of the sales cycle. This involves enabling organizations to manage their marketing, sales, and customer support facets. Sales Cloud provides several features such as centralizing customer information, logging interactions with companies, and automation of tasks.
- Service Cloud: It is a platform that helps organizations in customer service and support teams. Once a customer initiates the support process through emailing, online form, or calling a case is created on the cloud. Salesforce agents then use the support features including the knowledge base to provide answers to the case to ensure SLA fulfillment. There are several other features as well such as omni-channel case detection and routing, Web-to-Case and Email-to-Case conversion, and configurable assignment rules.
2. What are permission sets?
A permission set is defined as a bundle of settings or permissions utilized for extending the functional access given to users without changing assigned actual profiles. It can be used by different kinds of users to extend their functionality access regardless of role. These sets allow for saving time in case a new profile is required.
3. What are the default indexed fields in Salesforce?
Some of the fields in Salesforce are indexed by default as follows:
- Name
- Owner Fields
- ID
- Master-Detail relationship Fields
- Lookup Fields
- Last modified dates
- Audit dates
4. What are the different ways to store various categories of records in Salesforce?
For the different categories of records such as files, images, and documents there are four ways to store records in Salesforce as follows:
- Attachments
- Chatter files
- Libraries
- Google Drive
5. What is a junction object and its use?
Junction objects are mainly used for the task of creating many-to-many relationships in Salesforce. For more understanding consider recruiting application as an example. In such cases, a position can be found that is linked with many candidates and similarly single candidate can apply for multiple positions.
6. What is the difference between insert() and database.insert()?
Both insert() and database.insert() are methods for record insertion. But in the case of insert() method any error inside the record system can lead to an error of insertion failure. To resolve this we use database.insert() that partially executes the insert operations for bulk records.
Read More:
Database Class in APEX
7. What are Governor Limits? What are some things that you can do to prevent governor limits?
Governor limits control the total data storage capacity of a shared database to prevent monopoly over different shared resources like memory, CPU, and storage. Upon exceeding the limit the Apex code generates a runtime exception that can’t be handled.
The following list gives some of the governor limits in Salesforce:
- Push notification limits
- Per-Transaction Apex limits
- Size-Specific Apex limits
- Miscellaneous Apex limits
- Static Apex limits
- Email limits
Examples of governor limits in Salesforce:
The permitted total number of Send mail methods is equivalent to 10. The total number of records that can be retrieved with the help of a SOQL query is 50,000.The maximum CPU time, specifically on the Salesforce servers, has been limited to 10,000ms on synchronous Apex. The total number of callouts (be it web services calls or HTTP requests) in any transaction has been limited to 100.
Salesforce Apex Interview Questions
1. What is Apex in the Salesforce?
Apex is an object-oriented and strongly typed programming language in Salesforce that allows for the following:
- Apex enables the developers in terms of adding business logic to most of the system events such as button clicks to VisualForce pages and updating record
- It allows for the developer execution of flows and transaction control statement
2. Where can I use Apex?
Apex can be used in the following ways:
- Creation of web services
- Creation of Email services
- Performing complex validation over multiple objects
- Creation of complex business processes not supported by workflow
- Attaching custom logic to another operation
- Creation of custom transaction logic
3. What is Apex Interface?
An Apex interface is similar to an Apex class in which none of the methods are implemented. The signatures of each method are there but the body is empty. For using an interface, another class is needed that will provide a body for all the methods contained within the interface. Interfaces are mainly used for providing an abstraction layer for your code. The interface methods are given as global.
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How To Pass The Salesforce Developer Certification Exam?
4. Explain various methods of batch Apex class.
The batch Apex class allows for three methods in the database batchable interface:
Start: This method is used at the beginning of the batch apex job. It is further used for the collection of objects, and records, and passing them to the interface for execution. This method returns the DatabaseQueryLocator object that mainly comprises records or objects sent to the job.
Execute: This method is utilized for every batch of records send to it. It is used for data processing and does the following:
- Reference to the DatabaseBatcheable context
- sObjects records list
Finish: This method is called after finishing batch processing. It is used for sending confirmation emails or for the execution of post-processing operations.
5. What are the different ways to call an Apex class?
The different ways of calling Apex class in Salesforce are as follows:
- From another class
- By usage of a trigger
- From VisualForce page
- From developer console
- From JavaScript links
- From the home page components
6. What is a map class in Apex Salesforce?
Map class in Apex Salesforce is defined as:
- A class containing methods for map collection type
- A map is a collection of key-value pairs that hold mapping for a single value with each keymap
- Map keys and values can be of data types- primitive, objects, collections, built-in Apex, and, user-defined
7. How can you edit Apex classes in a production environment?
The right way to edit the apex class is to do it in Sandbox, Developer Edition, and Trial organizations as there isn’t a direct way to do it in production. One needs to go to the Sandbox, make the changes and again deploy that code through the Migration/Eclipse/Change Sheet tool.
You first need to write the Apex classes and triggers in Sandbox/Developer or trial edition with corresponding testing methods that can test a minimum of 1% of triggers and 75% of classes. For deploying APEX into the production organization an Author Apex permission user needs to deploy various classes and triggers through either compile and test() or deploy() Metadata API methods accessible with Apache ANT-based Apex Development Tool or Eclipse-based IDE.
Salesforce Advanced Interview Questions
1. What are Static Resources?
Static resources allow you to add content that you need to reference on the VisualForce page such as images, archives, CSS files, Javascript, etc. The maximum size for a static resource of an organization is 250MB.
2. What is a Visualforce component?
Visualforce components are reusable type components of functionality including widgets, panels, user interface elements, etc. We have two different types of components called standards and custom that are used for defining the user interface behavior.
3. Explain the difference between standard and custom controllers?
Standard | Custom |
The standard controller inherits all the properties of the standard object and button directly. It contains similar functionality and logic as standard Salesforce pages. | A custom controller is an Apex class that implements all the logic of a page without leveraging a standard controller. It is associated with Visualforce pages through the controller attribute. |
4. How many records can a select and SOSL query return?
The governing limits of select and SOSL queries are as follows:
- SOQL command can fetch up to 50,000 records maximum
- SOSL command can only fetch up to 2,000 records
5. What is the use of “@future” annotation?
Future annotation is used for executing a method asynchronously in Salesforce. A simple example would be that we can use future methods for making a Web Service callout from an Apex Trigger. Methods attached with future annotation must be static and can return only void data type. The parameter is also required to be of primitive data type, such as primitive data type arrays or collections of primitive data types. For making a method in a class execute asynchronously you can define it with future annotation as explained here:
global class MyFutureClass {
static void myMethod(String a, Integer i) {
System.debug('Method called with: ' + a + ' and ' + i);
// Perform long-running code
For allowing callouts in a Future method, you need to specify (callout=true) as the default setting is on false. It is to prevent prevent any method from making a callout. For specifying a method to execute callout follow this:
@Future (callout=true)
public static void doCalloutFromFuture() {
//Add code to perform callout
6. What is
In Salesforce, refers to the set of new records being processed by a trigger. A trigger is a piece of code that is executed before or after a record is inserted, updated, or deleted in the database.
It allows developers to perform certain actions or apply validation rules based on specific criteria. The variable is typically used to access and manipulate the data of these new records within the trigger logic. It allows developers to automate business processes and customize the behavior of Salesforce based on the data being modified.
7. What are the different types of collection in Apex?
Collections are variable types that are used for storing multiple records (data). These are useful due to the restriction placed by the Governor limits
per transaction. Thus, collections can be used for storing multiple records in a single variable and can also be retrieved if required. It is similar to an array in working and has multiple types as follows:
- Sets
- Maps
- Lists
Scenario-Based Question
Business Requirement – Assume there is a finance dept, there are many users and they have access to an object called finance, In that object, there is a field called “Bonus”, and in the dept 10 users, only one should not see the field?
Scenario: Creation of Permission set for the users, other than the user who should not have the Bonus field access.
Object: profit & loss.
Users: John & Philip
OWD: Private.
Profile of John: Finance profile.
Finance Profile: CRED: Yes | VA: No | MA: No
Permission set of John: N/A
Role: N/A.
Read More:
Collections in APEX
8. Can John edit records of Philip?
No, John is unable to see records of Philip
Condition changed :: OWD: PRO(Public Read-only).
9. Can John see records of Philip?
Yes, now John is able to see records of Philip
10. Can John delete records of Philip?
No, John cannot delete records of Philip
11. What are Triggers in Salesforce? How are they different from workflows?
In the terminology of Salesforce, a trigger refers to an Apex script to be executed either before or after the DML (Data manipulation events) events take place. With the help of Apex triggers, the users can easily perform various custom actions, it could vary either before or after an event to be recorded in Salesforce like deletions, insertions, and with required updates.
Workflow is an automated process that works on Evaluation/rule criteria to fire an action. A workflow can be accessed across the object. Trigger on the other hand is the code that is expected either before or after a specific record is added/updated.
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10 Proven Steps to Writing an Impressive Salesforce Developer Resume
Salesforce Lightning and Admin Interview Questions
1. How can we extend any component in the aura framework?
For extending any component in the aura framework we need to first set the value of the “extensible” attribute to “true” for the parent aura component. If a component extends another component it inherits all of the helper methods and attributes. Therefore, in this manner, we can extend any component in the aura framework.
2. How do you de-activate the paste functionality in lightning input?
You can de-activate the paste functionality in the lightning input by the below code:
<aura:component >
<aura:attribute name="data" type="String"/>
<div aura:id="dtag" onpaste="{!c.handlePaste}">
<lightning:input name="inp" label="Enter Value" value="{!}"/>
JS controller:
handlePaste: function(component, event, helper) {
3. What is a Queue in Salesforce?
Queue in Salesforce prioritizes and assigns records to teams that share workloads. There is no limit to the number of queues that you can create, and choose when queue members receive email notifications.
4. What is field dependency?
Field dependencies in Salesforce refer to the relationship between two fields inside a record. The relationship helps to keep the value in one field determined by the available options or values inside another. It is a way of controlling certain fields’ visibility and behavior based on the values selected inside other fields.
An example of this is shown in the following:
Let’s say you have an object called “Opportunity” in Salesforce and want to track different products for each opportunity. You also have a custom picklist field called “Product Category” and another called “Product Name.”
You can set it up with field dependency so that the available options in the “Product Name” field depend on the value selected in the “Product Category” field. For instance:
- If the user selects “Electronics” as the product category, the “Product Name” field might show options like “Smartphone,” “Laptop,” and “Tablet.”
- If the user selects “Clothing” as the product category, the “Product Name” field might show options like “Shirt,” “Pants,” and “Dress.”
This way, you’re ensuring that users only see relevant options based on their previous selections, which helps to prevent data entry errors and provides a more user-friendly experience.
5. What is “Data Skew” in Salesforce?
“Data Skew” in Salesforce is a condition that will occur during working for a big organization having more than 10,000 records. So, if users perform updates, performance issues will be encountered. It happens mainly because of data skew.
6. What is a Flow?
Flow in Salesforce is an automation tool that can be used for performing various tasks such as sending emails, custom notifications, posting a chatter, etc using clicks rather than code. Flow can be triggered for record insert, update, and delete. It can run both before and after the events. As an admin, Flows are going to be your best friend because you will be able to handle the majority of complex business requirements without any help from the Salesforce Developer.
7. Name a few global variables which are used in formula and validation rules.
$User, $Organization, $Objecttype, $Setup, $Action etc.
8. What happens during Lead merging?
Lead merging is a process that allows for the selection of 3 leads during merging. Those are simply identified as duplicates based on the duplicate rule condition on the organization. One of the leads is considered a Master record and read-only and hidden field values are retained from that lead. After it is merged the resultant record is a single lead record and the other two are simply deleted.
9. Is it possible to show validation errors in screen flow?
Yes, we can show validation error messages in screen flow for certain components using the validate input option. In this option, the conditions that are provided must be false for the validation rule to fire which is in contrast with the standard/contrast validation rules.
Salesforce Developers Interview Questions
1. What is Sandbox and the Type of Sandbox in Salesforce?
Sandbox is defined as a testing environment used for the case of code testing or conducting experiments in an isolated environment without causing incidents in a production environment. Types of Sandbox in Salesforce are as follows:
- Full Sandbox: In this sandbox, the intent is to use it as a testing environment. It contains all the data of the production organization, including objects, metadata, and attachments.
- Partial Sandbox: It is also intended to be used as a testing environment only. It contains a sample of production organization data and its metadata.
- Developer Sandbox: It contains a replica of the production organization metadata and is intended for both development and testing in an isolated environment.
- Developer Pro Sandbox: It is similar to developer sandbox but has the capability of holding larger data sets.
2. What are Sharing Rules?
Sharing rules are powerful tools that help in managing data access by allowing you to share specific records with selected users or groups based on pre-defined criteria. Two types of sharing rules in Salesforce allow for record sharing:
- Owner-based: It is used for sharing records owned by a particular user or group with another set of users
- Criteria-based: It is used for sharing records that meet particular criteria of satisfying some condition.
3. What is Apex Trigger and when to use it?
Apex Trigger is a set of code in Apex that runs before or after Data manipulation language (DML) events. By using Apex trigger you can automate a task that should otherwise be impossible to accomplish using only the Salesforce user interface. Two different Salesforce Apex trigger types are before and after triggers. Triggers are used for task automation in the following cases:
- High data volume: In case dealing with data in bulk, you can take help from triggers.
- Execution order: In case we need to control the order of events triggers can be utilized.
- Troubleshooting: For effective removal of error and exception handling Apex trigger allows for saving partially successful code making it easier to debug.
- Complex logic: For handling advanced or complicated tasks triggers are more faster and efficient.
4. What is mixed DML?
A mixed DML operation error occurs if you try to persist in the same transaction and change to a setup object and a non-setup object. Taking an example in case you try to update both an opportunity and user record at a similar timing. For avoiding this it can be done by making sure that the operations happen in different transactions
5. What are Design Attributes in Lightning Web Components?
Design attributes are used to make Lightning web components available for Salesforce admin to edit Lightning App Builder or community. So, we are able to expose the component attribute in Lightning App Builder using the design attribute. Design attributes in LWC allow for the building of reusable and dynamic components. Here is an example of a design attribute in LWC:
<lightning-card title={strTitle} icon-name="custom:custom14">
<p> Hello , {firstName} </p>
<template if:true={showImage}>
<img src={imgUrl} width="200" height="200"/>
import { LightningElement, api } from 'lwc';
export default class MyComponent extends LightningElement {
@api firstName ='Amit';
@api strTitle ='Welcome in Salesforce';
@api showImage =false;
@api imgUrl ='';
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<LightningComponentBundle xmlns="" fqn="MyComponent">
<targetConfig targets="lightning__HomePage,lightning__RecordPage">
<property name="strTitle" type="String" default="Welcome in Salesforce" label="Enter the title"/>
<property name="showImage" type="Boolean" default="true" label="Show Image ?"/>
<property name="imgUrl" type="String" default="" label="Enter Image URL"/>
6. What are web services?
Web services are Apex code that you can consume using SOAP or REST or a simple way to put it is: they are the services that are accessed over a web. They are mostly used for exposing complex business logic in an easily consumable way. For example, you can simply combine an account and all of its contacts thus returning them in a single call.
7. What is the difference between SOAP and REST?
Feature | SOAP | REST |
Standard | SOAP only operates with HTTP and XML standards | REST API uses multiple standards, such as HTTP and URL |
Functionality | SOAP uses a varied interface to perform operations through a standardized set of messaging patterns | REST accesses the data via consistent interface with names of resources |
Business logic | SOAP API makes use of service interfaces like @WebService | REST API uses URL interface like @path(“/CricketService”) |
Bandwidth | SOAP uses XML to create a payload that results in larger file sizes | REST API takes up little bandwidth and resources |
Language | This uses WSDL to describe service | This uses WADL to describe service |
Rules | Very crucial to reach standardization | It is more flexible but requires standardization |
Security | SOAP is more secure and uses WS security for enterprise-level security | REST is less secure in comparison with SOAP |
Performance and Scalability | SOAP-based reads are not cached | REST has better performance and scalability. Reads can be cached |
Atomic Transaction | If we need ACID in transaction, we have to use SOAP API | REST API provides no support for ACID |
Reliable Messaging | SOAP provides asynchronous processing and guaranteed level of security and reliability | REST have no standard messaging system and client needs to handle reliability |
Data Format | It supports XML data message | It support JSON format |
8. What is a lightning messaging service?
Lightning message service is a way for communicating or passing information between Visualforce pages, LWC and Aura. The only catch is that the Visualforce page or Aura component must be in a lightning experience. LMS allows for communication to happen between components that may or may not have a relationship. Basically, LMS has two components; message channel and message payload. For using a lightning message service, we need to create a message channel, define its properties, and publish or subscribe to messages on that channel.
Questions that you can ask in an interview
Are you curious about the interview process after reading the above questions and answers?
In my opinion, an interview is a conversation between the interviewer and the candidate. To leave a strong impression on the interviewer, you have to ask relevant questions. Some good directions for your questions are insights on your profile of interest, the scope of growth in that profile, and the organization.
So, here are some questions that you can ask from interviewer during your conversation:
HR Round questions:-
- Can you provide more information about the team structure and dynamics I would be working with?
- How is the team currently using Salesforce?
- How does the company support ongoing professional development for its Salesforce professionals?
- Can you describe the typical career growth path for someone in a Salesforce role within the company?
- What Salesforce tools and technologies do the company currently use, and are there plans to adopt new technologies soon?
- How does the company encourage collaboration between departments, particularly when integrating Salesforce solutions?
Read More:
Insider’s Guide to Getting a Job as a Salesforce Professional
Technical Round:-
- Can you provide an overview of the Salesforce architecture and technologies used within the company?
- How does the company approach data security and compliance when working with Salesforce?
- Could you share more about the company’s integration strategies to connect Salesforce with other systems?
- What type of Salesforce projects is the team currently working on, and how do they contribute to the company’s overall goals?
- Can you explain how the company handles scalability and performance optimization when designing Salesforce solutions?

The demand for qualified professionals is rising because Salesforce is now involved in almost every company’s sales and marketing automation efforts. Competition is also high for good positions, so practice and training are one of the best strategies for standing out.
For mental confidence try making practice questions, performing breathing exercises, visualizing positive results, and do some physical activity to outlet your stress.
In case you wish to upgrade your resume before the next interview, take a look at Salesforce training offered by S2 Labs. We provide guidance to attain you
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